Congrats! Modern hearing aids are an amazing piece of technology, and you’ve just become the proud owner of a shiny new set. But, just like with all new devices, there will be things that hearing aid owners wish somebody had told them. Let’s look at nine common mistakes new hearing aid wearers make and how […]
Are you going mad with that tinnitus in your ears? Discover whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause may be. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? Tinnitus is the name referring to a person’s perception of a ringing, droning, or buzzing in the ear with no external stimulus present to explain this sensation. The […]
Feeling younger can be accomplished in numerous ways. However, one approach to staying young that isn’t usually mentioned is to protect your hearing. Diet and exercise have been publicized for years as a confirmed way to increase your lifespan while improving your quality of life. It also helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and promotes weight […]
Summertime has some activities that are simply staples: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. The crowds, and the noise levels, are growing as more of these activities are going back to normal. But sometimes this can lead to problems. Because let’s be honest: this isn’t the first loud concert that’s caused your […]
Hearing loss can be caused by numerous things and is generally very aggravating. Although hearing loss is commonly caused by age or an injury, in some circumstances, hearing loss might be a symptom of a more severe root medical condition. These are some hearing loss red flags you should watch for Hearing loss will frequently […]
Hearing aids are intended to help make up for your unique hearing loss problem. If your hearing aids are causing headaches or any other kind of discomfort, whether you’ve been using them for years or you’re a new user, there’s a solution. If your hearing aid is properly adjusted it will meet your personal needs […]
Do your hearing aid batteries seem to die faster than they ought to? Here are a few surprising reasons that may happen. So how far should the charge on my hearing aid battery go? From 3 to 7 days is the typical period of time for charge to last. That range is rather wide. But […]
You want to be courteous when you are talking with friends. You want your customers, co-workers, and manager to recognize that you’re fully involved when you’re at work. With family, you might find it less difficult to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to repeat what you missed, just […]
You’re having a Zoom call with your granddaughter and you’ve been looking forward to it all week! You’ll have a blast and get caught up with your beloved family members. But when you get online you notice, to your sadness and frustration, that you can’t hear properly. You’re wearing your hearing aids but you still […]
Crackling in your ear? Buzzing, crackling, “static”, or whooshing noises in your ear can all be symptoms of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s what you need to know. Ever hear crackling, buzzing, or thumping noises that seem to come from nowhere? If this is occurring with hearing aids, it may mean you need to […]